Tomorrow, I will be marching in the St. John's Pride Parade. Not because I'm gay, or bisexual, or transgendered. Not because a family member is, or because I know someone who died as a result of homophobic bullying. I don't know anyone who was denied the ability to marry the love of their life, I've never had to stand by a loved one who fought for the right to be recognized as the gender with which they identified. I won't be in a dress, a giant peacock tail, makeup or assless chaps (though I may be wearing tie-dye...) and to be honest, most others won't either. So why am I marching?
Because I believe. I believe that nobody, regardless of their sexual orientation, should be treated differently. I believe a lesbian couple should be able to adopt a baby. I believe a gay father should have the same custody rights as any other father. I believe a man who feels like a woman should be able to become one and be recognized as one. I believe that a gay or lesbian teenager should be able to bring their boyfriend or girlfriend to prom just as any other teenager would. Most important, I believe that all these rights should be granted and accepted as the norm without bullying, without hatred and bigotry, without question.
It's called the Pride Parade. I am proud that my GLBT friends are able to get married and adopt here in Newfoundland. I am proud that my union works so hard to ensure the advancement of GLBT rights and issues. I am proud that in Canada it is not illegal to be gay. I also take the opportunity to be proud of who I am, as we all should be able to do without fear. Being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered is not a CHOICE any more than being left-handed, black, deaf or Canadian are choices. I'm proud to be who I am, as are the members of the GLBT community. So the question isn't “Why am I marching?”
The question is, “Why aren't YOU marching?”